
Think 3-Dimensionally
Dow Arrow

There’s no limit to what will one day be a trillion dollar industry

  • Innovation
  • Experience
  • Togetherness
  • 3d Technology
  • The World

Our pillars stand for Humanity. We are creators, adventurers and overall highly social beings. It's time we stopped staring down at our 2D screens and got ourselves back up into the world, ready to join hands on all of our worldly pursuits.

3D Technology

Our Projects


Imagine a drone that ejects from your cellphone case, for selfies and more. Imagine a drone that can remove carbon from the air. Imagine a network of drones that link socially, creating 3-dimensional images and entertainment.

We see all this and more, with nearly boundless applications for small maneuverable drones.

Tidal Energy

The mass of the Moon, twice a day. That's the scope of the energy that's there for the grabs.

Billions of Joules in clean kinetic energy crash into coastlines around the world like clockwork, and we'd be foolish not to explore this real-world bonanza.

hologramZ Inc. is in the process of securing an island off the east coast of Canada for research into this exciting energy opportunity.

3D printing

We're developing a system where interlocking blocks can be printed with patterns both downloaded and created.

There are large-scale applications, like automatic house-printing packages - we even aim to launch one into space and have it self-build when it lands on Mars, ready for colonists when they arrive - how's that for a lofty goal?

And then there are the toy sized blocks, perfect for creative kids and adults alike.


Watches, wristbands, jewelry - even tiny sensors woven right into the very fabric of our clothes.

Dismiss a call with the wave of a hand, or even the power of concentration.

Scan your body to recommend the perfect balance of nutrients needed.

We see the body as our main interface to this world. Let's use it to its fullest extent!

Immersive CHAT and Gaming

Of course, what would we be building if it didn't give us the ability to interact, to have fun, to socialize? We see human connection driving everything we do, and we'll make sure that social fun is a core to all our solutions.
The Vision

Dedicated to uniting 3-dimensional technology within a cohesive space

Vision is dedicated to uniting 3-dimensional technology within a cohesive space. When you’re looking for something to do with 3D, you’ll think of We will bring as much 3D technology as we can into the real world. Interactive, social, informative, fun…. These are the tenets upon which the Internet was built. Our goal is to see these fully realized, bringing the attention of the people out of their 2D spaces and into the 3D world around them.

DIY Videos

Curated content made just for that 3D enthusiast

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Praesent imperdiet lectus risus, sit amet tincidunt ante volutpat sit amet. Etiam consequat eleifend nisi, quis rutrum massa tincidunt in.

Volutpat sit amet. Etiam consequat eleifend nisi, quis rutrum massa.

Praesent imperdiet lectus risus, sit amet tincidunt ante volutpat sit amet. Etiam consequat eleifend nisi, quis rutrum massa tincidunt in.

Volutpat sit amet. Etiam consequat eleifend nisi, quis rutrum massa.

Praesent imperdiet lectus risus, sit amet tincidunt ante volutpat sit amet. Etiam consequat eleifend nisi, quis rutrum massa tincidunt in.